APGI Bioresource Feedback Form At the end of the approval period (which was approved on the original application), we request the principal investigator (PI) to complete this feedback form. This form will then be submitted to the APGI executive team. Contact InformationAPGI project number:*Approval expiry date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Applicant name*Position*Group*Email* Institution*FeedbackProject status*CompletedOngoingOtherIf the project is ongoing, you will need to apply for a project extension. If the project needs to be extended, please submit a one-page amendment, outlining the reasons for the extension. N.B. If the project is more than 12 months outside the expiry date, a new application needs to be submitted.Project status - OtherIf 'other', please specify the status of the projectPlease outline any submitted or published manuscripts where biospecimens or data has been used*As outlined in our Tissue and Data Access Policy, We request that the APGI be acknowledged in publications arising from the use of Biospecimens and/or data. This must appear in the Methods or Acknowledgements section as a minimum. Recommended wording is as follows: "Biospecimens and/or clinical data were provided by the Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome Initiative (APGI, www.pancreaticcancer.net.au) which is supported by an Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Grant (www.avnersfoundation.org.au)"Any specific comment/feedback to give to the BioResource?*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.