APGI BioResource Cost Recovery
As of September 2015, the APGI Leadership Team has implemented a new cost recovery schedule for researchers applying to access material and data from the APGI BioResource. The schedule is reviewed annually, and charges are current as of June 2017. Please download and carefully read the APGI Cost Recovery Guidelines prior to submitting your application.
Why Cost Recovery is Required
The APGI is committed to providing fair and equitable access to its vast range of Biospecimens and Clinical Data. However, the APGI is a valuable and finite resource. Significant time and cost has been invested in obtaining, processing and managing the high-quality samples and annotating with extensive data. Additional costs are incurred with assessment of each individual BioResource Application and subsequent preparation of biospecimens and/or clinical data. Determining cost recovery for such a comprehensive resource is complex, yet the APGI endeavours to keep charges as reasonable as possible to foster collaboration and support scientifically-valid research studies.
While expressions of interest from commercial entities are accepted, these will be individually considered and balanced against research demand. Commercial cost recovery charges will be determined at the discretion of the APGI Leadership Team.
APGI Cost Recovery Guidelines
Comprehensive guidelines have been prepared to ensure researchers have a clear understanding of the costs associated with APGI biospecimen acquisition. These costs can then be built into the study budget. 3 types of fees are outlined in the guidelines:
- Application fee- one-off for each study $50 AUD
- A $25 AUD Fee will be charged for amendments to existing studies (as of June 2017).
- Individual sample and data access fees- See APGI Cost Recovery Guidelines for a detailed account of costs
- Prospective service fees- these are assessed on an individual basis
It is recommended that the APGI Cost Recovery Guidelines are carefully considered before submitting an application to the Avner APGI BioResource.