Clinical Trial Registry Directory
For Patients
Clinical trials are often an important part of a patient’s treatment journey. We’ve created a “one-stop-shop” list of registries by curating all the most reliable sources online to search for available trials in Pancreatic Cancer.
Searching for Clinical Trials Online: Clinical Trial Registries Explained
A detailed description and direct link to each organisation is provided below. We update this regularly so please check back often to keep posted on new clinical trials. Last updated March 2025.
Australian Clinical trials
- National resource developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- User friendly, search by keyword for ‘basket trials’ that include multiple cancers, or filter for pancreatic cancer
- Provides a summary of the study, location and recruitment status
- Contact information located on the study page
- Number of currently recruiting Pancreatic Cancer Trials: 40
GI Cancer Institute
- Resource of the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Unit (AGITG)
- Focused on GI Cancer, only contains information on AGITG sponsored trials
- Divides trials into those in development, open to recruitment, in follow up or completed. Good for researching past trials.
- Number of listed open to recruitment Pancreatic Cancer Trials: 1
Cancer Institute NSW
- Data updated daily from Clinical Trials Reporting portal. Only NSW based trials.
- Search can be filtered by hospital or treatment centre
- Participant recruitment status is stated below the trial summary (recruiting, not yet recruiting)
- Number of listed Trials: 177
Cancer Australia
- Lists all trials whether recruitment open or completed (recruiting trials are listed first)
- Advanced search function can be used to refine studies by recruitment status, disease stage and location of trial
- Study summaries can be complex and difficult to interpret
- Contact for each trial provided
- Number of listed Pancreatic Cancer Trials: 46
Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry
- Exocrine and endocrine tumours together when use generic search function
- Trial information comprehensive, lists key inclusion criteria,
- Study contacts provided
- Advanced search function to filter for trials open for recrutiment
- Could include a lay summary for greater patient use
- Individual trial information is downloadable for printing.
- Updated regularly with advanced search function
- Number of currently recruiting Pancreatic Cancer Trials: 36

Benefits of clinical trials
Clinical trials contribute to knowledge and progress towards treating cancer. For many patients, clinical trials may be a potential option to access experimental and cutting edge therapy. If a new treatment proves effective in a study, it may become a new standard treatment that can help future patients.
Because of progress made through clinical trials, many people treated for cancer are now living longer, and experience less side effects from their treatment.